
Crochet Business Plan

When is the right time to develop a crochet business plan?

After you have decided on which direction to take your crochet business, now would be the time to develop a business plan. I understand that writing a plan for your business can be intimidating (it definitely was for me), but if you take the time to write one now your business goals will become more achievable.


What is a Business Plan?

A business outline or plan is a written statement that explains your goals, purpose, marketing approach and vision for your company or business.

A business plan is an essential document for any business owner or entrepreneur. It lays out the goals and objectives of the company, explains the strategies that will be used to reach those goals, and provides an outline of the resources needed to make it all happen. It also serves as a roadmap for where to take your business later on down the road. By creating a well-thought-out business plan, you can ensure that your company has a clear direction and is prepared for whatever challenges may come it's way.

If you would like a more detailed explanation on what a business plan is both Wikipedia and the Entrepreneur Encyclopedia are fabulous resources. 


Grab your Business Planning Printables!!

Starting a Crochet Business Blue Print and Planner Printables!

Are you thinking of starting a crochet business? Unsure if a new business is the best move for you? Concerned that you might not grasp everything involved?

That's where this crochet business planner comes in handy. Before diving into your entrepreneurial journey, this planner guides you through each phase. Work on your crochet business mission statement, find your competition, target audience, and plan out your days, weeks, and months using the calendars provided. Click here to purchase your business planning printables today!

The Benefits of Having a Business Plan

While some new entrepreneurs may view writing a business plan as an unnecessary step, there are actually several positive benefits.

Benefits of having a business plan:

Firstly, a business plan can help with goal-setting and decision-making. By outlining specific goals and strategies, entrepreneurs can stay focused on what they need to achieve and make informed decisions about how to get there.

Secondly, a business plan provides a roadmap for success, and it helps entrepreneurs identify potential obstacles and develop strategies for overcoming them. A good plan can be beneficial in the early stages of a business when there are many unknowns.

Thirdly, a business plan can help secure funding and investors. Investors want to see that entrepreneurs have thought through their plans and have a clear strategy for achieving their goals, and a well-written business plan can help entrepreneurs demonstrate this.

Finally, a business plan identifies potential risks and obstacles. By identifying these early on, entrepreneurs can develop strategies for mitigating them and avoiding potential pitfalls.

In conclusion, having a well-written business plan is essential for any entrepreneur looking to start or grow their business. It helps with goal setting, decision making, securing funding and investors, and identifying potential risks and obstacles. If you haven't already done so, I really encourage you to create a business plan today.

Crochet Business Plan Blueprint

A crochet business plan blueprint will map out your crochet business and help you turn your business dreams into a reality.

The blueprint will explore the key components, discuss best practices, and provide actionable steps you can take to build a plan that sets you up for success.

Click here to get started on your business plan blueprint. 


Why I Decided to Finally Develop My Own Business Plan

When I first started my crochet business I was instructed by an online coach to develop a business plan. My first thought was that a formal plan was a waste of time because my business was home-based and small. So instead of taking my coach's advice I jumped right into my online business without any set plan.

Because I didn't have any real plans my business strategy was to focus all of my energy toward my website, crochet videos, and Etsy store... and I really felt like I was doing great.

However, as time passed I realized that I wasn't getting the results I wanted. My thoughts were scattered and I became easily side-tracked by other business opportunities. It took me a while, but I slowly started to realize that I was losing my focus because I didn't have a main purpose or direction for my business. 

That’s when I came to the realization that I was building my business on unsustainable practices and in order to really have a successful business I needed a real plan to help me gain a clear vision of what I wanted my crochet business to become.

When I finally recognized that my coach had been right about developing a business plan I became sorely disappointed with myself. I had put so much work and effort into my business believing that I was doing great, but I was actually failing miserably because I had chosen to skip this vital step. 

At that moment I seriously thought about quitting but instead I sucked it up, put on my big girl pants and bought a book that helped me develop my plan.

Do You Need Extra Help or More Resources on Developing Your Crochet Business Plan?

I understand if you need help organizing your thoughts and ideas for developing your crochet business plan. I had the same problem when trying to put together my plan.

In this article I have put together some resources, books and guides that are the most helpful for planning your business goals.

Click here to find resources, books, and guides that will help you with your crochet business planning success.


Get Your Crochet Business Plan Blueprint

Now that you understand how important a business plan is, you now need to get started on one. I will provide you with some information and resources about what goes into a business plan here: Get started on your crochet business plan blueprint!

The Importance of a Crochet Business Plan

If you still don't think you need a business plan because your crochet business is small, it's too easy to start a crochet business without one, or the planning and writing process is too difficult… think again.  

The reason any crochet business big or small needs a plan is because it not only proves to yourself as well as to others that you are serious about your business, but it also (take my word for it) keeps you organized and focused on what you are trying to accomplish with your business.

Have Questions? Join My Crochet Guru Facebook Group!

I hope this article was helpful! If you have any additional questions, feel free to join my Crochet Guru Facebook Group. This group is for you to share pictures, ask questions, and help each other out!